The night before, I'd had this weird dream about a couple people who, last I knew, were in far away places, and they were at church, and then, when I got to church, THEY WERE ACTUALLY THERE. Weirded me out, just a little.
But the unexpected visitors didn't distract me for too long, because Steven came over when he saw the van, and I was the last one out, so he was right there waiting for me. ^_^ We went quickly inside with the rest of my family (we weren't that early), found seats, and listened to prelude. It was first Sunday of the month, so this was a fast and testimony meeting. I don't remember too many things about it. I do remember (1) singing the hymns (my favorite part of any church meeting, usually, and because I love listening to Steven sing) (2) Getting up to bear my testimony and just thinking the entire time of temples and eternal families, how grateful I am for my family and for Steven (3) An enormous feeling of peace and gratitude throughout the entire meeting. This was my day of confirmation, banishing any lingering questions about if I was making the right choice, about if Steven was the one for me (4) getting to introduce Steven to so many people (5) Sister Karchaske coming up afterwards to see if I had a ring yet, because I'd apparently been twisting my ring finger while I was giving my testimony. It's kind of a nervous habit. I also remember her commenting on how alike Steven and I already looked. (You know how couples start to look like each other over the years? Yeah, like that.)
Steven and I stayed for second hour, and I remember a friend asking me how long we'd been together, and I didn't know exactly how long off the top of my head, and I said something like, "Uh, I dunno, two - two and a half weeks?" and Steven leaned over and whispered "Three weeks." Ha, oh. Thanks darling. :3 Time flies when you're having fun!
After the second hour, Steven and I found Mom and Dad and persuaded them to let us leave to go to the branch out at Fort Gordon with Steven's parents. I thought we should ask Dad first, because usually he's the easier one to persuade, but we found Mom first, and then they were there together seconds after we found Mom, and neither one was hard to persuade. As we were walking out to the car I teased Steven a little: "See? They do like you!" =^-^=
I love riding in the car with Steven. Holding hands, singing songs, pondering the things of life, sharing meaningful memories... Yeah. This time they're my memories, to dwell on with immense amounts of happiness. ;) Here's a related video that I won't explain:

I don't know what I had expected, but it was really just a handful of
amazing people. When Steven bore his testimony, I caught a better glimpse of his heart and the depth of his character. So many times I've met people and had a good first impression, but the more I would get to know them, the more I would find that they just didn't have the same understanding that I did, and that they didn't see why some things were so important. Steven gets it, though. He understands. He understands not only those things that are important and the reasons why they're important, but me, too. We don't always have the same opinion on things, but we understand where the other person is coming from. Usually by the end we end up on the same side, anyway. :) I love talking with Steven about anything and everything, and I love that we do talk about anything and everything.
After church, we headed back to the Farrar house and had leftover chicken soup and biscuits. It was as delicious as before. ^-^ Mmmm. I love good food. So yummy! Kevin also commented several times on how delicious the soup was, 'the best he'd ever tasted'. Steven laughed the first couple times, but after so many times he only half-kiddingly growled 'back off dude, she's mine'. HA! (I don't know if it comes across as funny as it was then, but I nearly snorted into my soup. Luckily, I managed to keep most of my composure... I think, I dunno. I have a really terrible poker face. It was most likely blatantly obvious that I was very pleased with myself.)
That night we went to YSA FHE, but I think we were late. I don't remember why. And then I don't think we stayed very long, either. I do remember that afterwards, Steven, Kevin, and I went back to the Farrar house and tuned into the Olympics. For the first little while, I had my head on a pillow in Steven's lap and he was running his fingers through my hair. New favorite activity! :3 Then we swapped places, and I got to run my fingers through Steven's hair. Also new favorite activity! I remember absentmindedly thinking out loud that one of the gymnasts was very pretty, and Steven, being the perfectly adoring Prince Charming that he is, glanced at the TV and then said, "Nah, she's not as pretty as you are." ^-^ hehehe
Eventually Dad came to pick me up, because Steven's car didn't have enough gas to get to Aiken and back after all that driving that day. I was still stroking Steven's hair when the doorbell rang, and his hair was completely messed up when he answered the door. Dad smiled knowingly. It's a good thing I would never want to hide anything from Dad, because I'm convinced I could never pull it off. He's too perceptive. :) I remember talking about serious relationships on the way home, and just saying that, unless some enormous divine sign came out of the sky and told me otherwise, I was done looking for my eternal companion. I think I might've sprung it on my parents a little fast, but they handled it all very well. I love you Mom and Dad!!
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