YSA Conference! Woohoo!
So, it was really, really stormy that weekend. At least in the Augusta/Aiken area. I got back from work, started throwing stuff together and trying to get ready to go.
When Steven arrived, it was pouring, and we were both kind of tired. It would be a long drive to Savannah, as well as one that would be fairly dangerous in the terrible weather, and we decided we'd rather just spend the night with my family in Aiken and leave in the morning when things cleared up a bit. So, we called the Criswells to let them know we wouldn't be there that evening, and then spent our evening making dinner, eating dinner, playing games with my siblings, and just having a nice, mostly quiet evening.
We made breakfast again in the morning, but by the time it was cleared away, it was just about lunch time. I think I worked on helping around the house with Saturday chores, but I don't remember for sure. Steven went out with my brothers and Dad to work on Quinn's PVC pipe bow and arrows. I love that Steven loves my family and enjoys spending time with them. And I love that they love him in return! There is beauty all around when there is love at home.
By mid-afternoon, Steven and I thought about maybe just not going at all, but we had said we'd go, and so eventually we did get on our way. I had a great time on that 4-hour ride, and I think I'm safe when I say Steven enjoyed it, too. We only got a little bit lost one time, and I'm proud to say that it was Steven's idea to stop for directions. Take THAT male stereotypes! Haha :D
So, once we found our way to Savannah, I managed to get us pretty well turned around within the city itself. Eventually we found the church building. We got there just as dinner was ending and the dance was beginning. The theme for the dance was luau, but I didn't have too much by way of luau attire. But whatever.
I'd been looking forward to dancing with Steven for a long time. I was kind of nervous, because I was pretty sure he was under the impression that I'm some master of ballroom dance, when really I've just taken some classes and enjoyed them. Then we started dancing and I realized Steven wasn't a dance master, either, and we just had fun. :)
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Steven makes funny faces at the dance :) |
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Steven and I opted to wait in our car while the people in Audrey's car went into the grocery store. |
We made it back to the Bainbridge house (my house) from Savannah in time for Sunday dinner. Mm-mmm. Steven fell asleep on the couch, he really needed it. Then we headed briefly to YSA FHE, it was our last week there, after all, and back to the Bainbridge house again. When we got back, we started helping Kylie finish up some last minute stuff to prepare for the first day of school in the morning. At one point Dad went out to the back porch for something, and Steven followed him. Oh boy, I thought, here goes. I was pretty excited when Steven came back in with a look of relief on his face. He tossed me a small slice of PVC pipe, leftover from the bow, and asked me to try it on. I think he was mostly kidding, but I kept it on because it was clever: a token of his becoming a part of our family. Not to mention the practicality for a pipe stress intern. :) It was my unofficial engagement ring!
Steven and I managed to help finish one of Kylie's homeworks, and we started to try to help with another, but we were both pretty tired. I went back and crashed on the bed, and Steven rested for a few hours on the couch. He came and knocked on the bedroom door to say goodbye in what felt like the middle of the night, but it was closer to 5 o'clock.
The knowledge that I had less than a week left with my family and with Steven was becoming impossible to ignore anymore. But, that imminent sadness was eased because Steven was going to be able to stay until my birthday, after all. :D Woohoo!!
So, the next week... is as much of a blur as the entire month. I know I did a lot of baking for work goodbyes this week... Steven helped. :) Tuesday after Institute, I started by baking a whole bunch of loaves of banana bread. I think I made 15... I dunno. A lot. I didn't sleep much that night, just every 45 minutes of every hour while each rotation of 3 loaves baked. Then Wednesday, after work, I made cinnamon rolls. Mm-mm. On Thursday, my last day, one of my coworkers noted that everybody was looking a little heavier since I started working there. Ha! :)
Thursday was my birthday dinner, held on Grandma and Grandpa Taylor's beautiful new back deck. Cake, song, families, presents. Steven being wonderful. Best birthday yet!
Here is a sampling of the pictures, for those of you who didn't see on Facebook:
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Family is the best! |
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A very accurate capture of the awkward moment when everyone is singing "Happy Birthday" and you just have to wait for them to finish |
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Steven and I are both foodies, we're going to have so much fun using that Pyrex!! |
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Twitterpated |
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Yes, as a matter of fact, I did have to include this one. ;) It's a favorite of mine. |
Friday, August 24th I turned 19! Woohoo!... It doesn't feel any different from 18. I went out with Rachel Roberts to Noble Breads for a delicious birthday sandwich. Mmmmmm, so good! And I got to catch up with Rachel, which is always good. :D Steven met us there, and got to try a sandwich, too. For anybody living in or visiting Aiken, I highly recommend you go try a Noble Breads sandwich. They are so good!
Anyway, Steven and I headed back to the Bainbridge house before too long. It was strangely quiet with all the kids back in school again. Before I knew it, it was time for Steven to go. Funnily enough, Mom cried more than I did at first.
I was up all night packing, and the next morning there were many sad goodbyes. Kylie drove me to the airport, we got a little turned around but got there eventually and I didn't miss my flight.
Melinda picked me up from the airport, and I got to retell our story to her and to all the Baros cousins, and then some of it again at the Hammond family cookout that evening in the canyons. ^_^
Already I was missing Steven immensely. My comfort was the pillowcase he'd given me, because it smelled like him. Thankfully, I knew I'd be able to see Steven between the time he flew into Salt Lake and the time he boarded the Salt Lake Express bound for Rexburg. Or so I thought.
I'd never rented a car before (actually, I still haven't successfully rented a car) and the plans I made to get a car to drive up to Salt Lake on September 6th to see Steven all fell through. I even started tearing up a bit. I was so frustrated! And I felt terrible for my friend who'd tried to help me book the car. Neither of us knew how it was supposed to work, and we'd apparently missed some steps. Mercifully, Melinda once again was able to help me. I owe her so much! By the time we made it to the airport, I had about ten minutes with Steven. But that was enough, because the bottom line was I did get to see Steven.
Meanwhile, busy classes, busy work, and lots of flirting via text, phone calls, and the various methods of the internet. :)
Next time: My trip to Rexburg! :)